Thursday, October 2, 2008

The covers of the sketchbook project!

Here are most of the covers! If your cover is not here its because it sold or because its in our "100 greatest things we ever received show" that is going up right now!


rebecca said...

It's so nice to see all the covers like this, especially for those of us who were unable to attend the show! Some fun ideas here! :D

joseph's art and stuff said...

i don't see mine, was it in the show, sold, or didn't make it? i thought i saw it during the online event.

joseph tomlinson

Shane said...

Joseph, your sketchbook is in our "100 Greatest Things We Ever Received" show that is currently going on now!

joseph's art and stuff said...

Wow, that was a quick reply. Thanks for including me in the show:)

Anonymous said...

Waaaaa! I'm just sorry I didn't get mine finished and turned in. Very cool!

annamatic said...

hi... don't see mine here either... could you tell me if you received it and what happened to it?

anna lee

metrochic said...

Well, mine wasn't for sale so I'm assuming it's in the new show! DUDE. Psyched. Thanks again! (Unless it's under your desk or which case, I retract my thanks! Ha!)

Valérie said...

Mine isn't there neither!!! Hope it is somewhere! And it's very nice that you put more images :) Love to see everyone of them!

Valérie Desrochers

Rachael said...

so excited for the new sketchbook project! come to cleveland though, so i can see them all! :)

Animatronyx said...

Nice! I just signed up for the next Sketchbook Project. I wish I had known about the earlier ones. Glad to see you guys have a blog, I'll add it to my list of ways to screw off at work.

Anonymous said...

The Soulard ART Market is excited to host the Sketchbook Project in St. Louis on March 11, 2009. You rock!